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Sunday 14 May 2023

What is the difference between readonly and const in C#?

In C# readonly and const are used to define constants but both have some differences. It is the most asked question by the interviewer.


·         Const is used to declare a compile-time constant.

·         Const variable is evaluated at compile-time and cannot be changed at runtime.

·         Const are static by default, so it belongs to the type rather than the instance.

·         Const variables must be initialized with a value at the time of declaration and can only hold simple data types.



using System;


namespace SoftwareEngineerDotNet


    class MyMainClass


        private const double PI = 3.14;

        static void Main(string[] args)


            const int Age = 20;

            // compile time error.

            // Reassigning a const variable is not allowed








·         Readonly keyword is used to declare a runtime constant.

·         Readonly variables can be assigned a value either at the time of declaration or within the constructor of the class.

·         Readonly modifier ensures that the variable's value can only be changed during object initialization or within the constructor. Each instance of the class can have a different value for a readonly field.



using System;


namespace SoftwareEngineerDotNet


    public class MyClass


        //Some valid scenario to initialize readonly variables

        public readonly int MyReadOnlyField;

        public readonly string MobileNumber = "5487458475";


        //readonly fields can be initlized in constructor 

        public MyClass(int value)


            MyReadOnlyField = value;




    class MyMainClass


        static void Main(string[] args)


            MyClass myClass = new MyClass(2);








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