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Saturday 30 May 2015

Command Line Arguments Demo : Enter the Arguments on execution time

Step 1: Enter the below program in “Notepad”

using System;
class CommandLineDemo
static void Main(string []args)
Console.WriteLine("Welcome to CommandLine Arguments Demo");
Console.WriteLine("First argument is :"+ args[0]);
Console.WriteLine("Second argument is :"+ args[1]);

Step 2 : Save with extention “ <file_name>.cs”

Step 3 : Open Visual Studio Command Prompt

Step 4 : Open command prompt as below

Step 5 : Enter the file location by command “ cd ” and for exit command “ cd.. “

Step 6 : Compile to file with “ csc <file_name>.cs “

Step : 7 Execute program with “ <file name>.exe dot_net c_csharp “


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